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Name: Stew
Date of Birth: February 19th
Resides In: North Carolina
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Blue
Circumsized: Yes
Pubic Hair: Closely Clippered
While they're both nice (provided they're both attractive), seeing someone you know naked is different than seeing a stranger naked.

With the former, you've gotten to know them beyond the immediate physical assessment, and perhaps, amazingly, you find them attractive because of their personality, too.

The catch, however, to translating that personality thing in relation to a website is that the people you know are different than the people I know... until now.

Welcome to Reality Revealed™... only from Bait & Tackle®

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Name: Dan
Date of Birth: November 16th
Resides In: Illinois
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Circumsized: Yes
Pubic Hair: Trimmed
From the Santa cap and stocking you'll see in Dan's video, you might be wondering why it's debutting in January after the holiday is over.

Well, when the production company responsible for the reality TV show on which Dan appeared got wind of the others and him appearing on Bait & Tackle's websites, they sent a cease and desist letter to us stating the guys were prohibited "from in any way participating" in and

Our lawyers had to address the situation.

As you'll now see after clicking the [View Preview] button, here's Dan... he's completely naked; revealing his hairy chest & super hard cock, and busting a load.

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Name: Tyler Synon
Date of Birth: December 12th
Resides In: California
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Circumsized: Yes
Pubic Hair: Stubble
Tyler Synon
Tyler continues Bait & Tackle's foray into the world of reality TV stars, and honestly, I didn't think he'd ever be game for getting naked for the world to see.

While other reality TV stars either expressed interest or took a pass on our offers, Tyler did neither... until, well, let's just say we used a bit of the secret sauce, then he told me he wanted a huge amount of cash to appear in a Bait & Tackle® video... we passed.

A few weeks later, a couple of his buddies were good to go for a shoot and they talked him into coming to the party, too, so to speak.

So amazingly, here's Tyler: ready for his complete head to toe tattoo inventory.

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Name: Big John
Date of Birth: December 28th
Resides In: Massachusetts
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Circumsized: No
Pubic Hair: Shaven
Big John
Watching any TV show, you'll likely find yourself paying extra attention to one cast member in particular. Big John, with his 6'5" frame and 265 pound body, isn't one to blend into any background. Add in an unusually deep voice as well, and it's easy to see why he'd stick out.

Arranging John's video, I talked to his girlfriend, who took the role of "manager" of sorts. She told me to make sure he didn't get riled up; that usually she was with him to calm him down, but that he was coming to Vegas alone for the shoot.

That warning was enough to keep me slightly on guard the whole time, but John was candid and remarkably accessible.

Amazingly, he's uncut, too.

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Name: Josh Dunn
Date of Birth: June 6th
Resides In: California
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Circumsized: Yes
Pubic Hair: Trimmed
Josh Dunn
The everyday guys who audition for Bait & Tackle have countlessly varied reasons for why they come in. The guys from reality TV, however, are a lot more limited: for fame and for money.

When John Dunn first arrived at the studio, he was wearing velvet-like pants and his dick poked perkily through the fabric. It was instantly noticeable, but I didn't have to wonder long as to what was underneath as he soon pulled down the front of those pants to show and say that he wanted to clean up his body hair before we began.

Typical auditionees are usually a bit bashful, too, but if Josh has a bashful bone in his body, you won't see it here. In fact, watching this video, there's no doubt that Josh considers himself god's gift to man and womankind.

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Name: Shawn Southern &
                 Ryan "Matsuflex" Matsunaga
Dates of Birth: May 4th/March 28th
Reside In: North Carolina
Hair Color: Blonde/Black
Eye Color: Hazel/Brown
Circumsized: Yes
Pubic Hair: Natural/Clippered
Shawn Southern And Ryan (Matsuflex) Matsunaga
Thousands of people recognize Shawn Southern and Ryan "Matsuflex" Matsunaga. Tons of straight guys adore their unabashed heterosexuality, and countless women give themselves to Shawn and Matsu for the thrill of sleeping with a bad boy.

In the land of straight guys, they're trophy boys as examples of uber heteosexual male behavior, so we decided to kick it up a notch in the "just what will reality TV stars do" department.

Watch as Shawn takes his friendship with Matsu to a whole new level as he busts a nut on his best friend... knowing full well that thousands of those adoring uber straight boys will be watching (or at least find out).

What would you do for $25,000?

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You've always wished you could see reality TV stars naked...
Reality Revealed™ makes that wish come true!         

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